All information on this page including the links are available without needing any log in information or passwords.  If at anytime you encounter a broken link, please contact Garnet Coulthard ( so we can correct it.

Iowa Chapter 79

All student teacher candidates from Graceland University are initially working towards an Iowa teaching license.  No matter where they complete their student teaching, they are governed by the regulations set forth in Iowa Chapter 79 Standards for Practitioner and Administrator Preparation Programs. 

“Cooperating teachers” means appropriately licensed classroom teachers of record who provide guidance and supervision to teacher candidates in the cooperating teachers’ classrooms during the candidates’ field experiences in the schools. 

79.14(1) states that we will ensure that clinical experiences occurring in all locations are well-sequenced, supervised by appropriately qualified personnel, monitored by the unit, and integrated into the unit standards. These expectations are shared with teacher candidates, college/university supervisors, and cooperating teachers

79.14(7) states that we are responsible for ensuring that the student teaching experience for initial licensure:

a. Includes a full-time experience for a minimum of 14 weeks in duration during the teacher candidate’s final year of the teacher preparation program.

b. Takes place in the classroom of a cooperating teacher who is appropriately licensed in the subject area and grade level endorsement for which the teacher candidate is being prepared.

c. Includes prescribed minimum expectations and responsibilities, including ethical behavior, for the teacher candidate.

d. Involves the teacher candidate in communication and interaction with parents or guardians of students in the teacher candidate’s classroom.

e. Requires the teacher candidate to become knowledgeable about the Iowa teaching standards and to experience a mock evaluation, which shall not be used as an assessment tool by the unit, performed by the cooperating teacher or a person who holds an Iowa evaluator license.

f. Requires collaborative involvement of the teacher candidate, cooperating teacher, and college/university supervisor in candidate growth. This collaborative involvement includes biweekly supervisor observations with feedback.

g. Requires the teacher candidate to bear primary responsibility for planning, instruction, and assessment within the classroom for a minimum of two weeks (ten school days).

h. Includes a written evaluation procedure, after which the completed evaluation form is included in the teacher candidate’s permanent record.

Welcome to Graceland

We appreciate your willingness to participate in Graceland's Teacher Education program. You will play a vital role in the professional growth of the student teacher, and will help to further his/her confidence, skill, and competence toward performance in the classroom.  The complete Teacher Education Program handbook is available at any time.  The specific section that covers student teaching is available here: Student Teaching Syllabus


* It is essential that you read the overview document below to fully understand your responsibilities as a cooperating teacher.

Cooperating Teacher Overview 

14 Week Checklist for CT


The Cooperating Teacher Workshop

Iowa Chapter 79 requires all teacher preparation programs to offer one or more annual workshops for cooperating teachers to define the objectives of the student teaching experience, review the responsibilities of the cooperating teacher, and provide the cooperating teacher other information and assistance the unit deems necessary.

All Cooperating Teachers are asked to participate in the Online Workshop created for cooperating teachers.  The workshop provides additional resources to assist you in mentoring a student teacher. For questions, please email the field office  at

The workshop can be completed at your convenience, returning as many times as necessary to review the information.

No log in required, just click on the link below.

Cooperating Teacher Workshop

To help you understand the requirements that your student teacher must complete, you are encouraged to review the Program Handbook for Teacher Education.  Your student teacher will have this downloaded as well.  Chapter 3 - Student Teaching/Licensure covers candidate requirements during the student teaching experience


Suggestions for Welcoming a Student Teacher

  • Prepare a desk or space within the classroom for the teacher to observe and work during the day. You might want to connect a table to your desk to make conferencing easier, or add a small desk to the back of the classroom. Some items to include: name tag, Kleenex, calendar, and office supplies.
  • Start a folder/binder for the student teacher that includes whatever might be important to assist the student teacher with understanding your school and classroom.  This might include the school calendar and policies (including teacher dress expectations), class list, grading scale, behavior management strategies, your daily schedule and lesson plan format, state standards, and contact information for you and your office staff.
  • Prepare your students (and parents) by talking about the arrival of the student teacher, and have your students create introduction letters to welcome the new student teacher.

Evaluations For All Placements

Evaluations forms are provided for you below. Scroll down the screen and then click the links to save the evaluation forms to your computer. Use the Midterm & Final Evaluation once at midterm and again at the end of the placement. 

During the placement, plan to share each evaluation with the student teacher and supervisor.

The forms are .PDF  to complete electronically or word to print off and complete by hand. Download and save them to your computer. You will use the Observation form for the Midterm Evaluation, then again for the final Evaluation.  You may also print them out to complete by them hand. If you are unable to download or open the documents, contact the Field Office ( and the form(s) will be sent to you as a word document. The university supervisor will collect your forms (electronically or on paper) at the end of the placement. 


Assessing your Student Teacher

Observations should be spaced about 2 weeks apart. You will complete three different types of evaluations for your student teacher

  1. Observation Evaluation (Based on InTASC  and Learning Objectives)  (6 total)
  2. Professional Dispositions Evaluation (Professional Behaviors)  (2 total)
  3. Lesson Critique (Lesson Delivery and Preparation) (4 total)

IMPORTANT, the midterm and final evaluations are summative, so all criteria needs to be evaluated. 

Refer to the Evaluation Schedule below for when you should complete the evaluations:

Evaluation Schedule for Student Teaching Placements


First Evaluation

Second Evaluation

Third (Midterm) Evaluation


Fourth Evaluation

Fifth Evaluation

Final Evaluation


14 Weeks


(Use the Observation Evaluation)


(Use the Observation Evaluation)

Midterm InTASC

(Use Observation Evaluation)






(Use the Observation Evaluation)


(Use the Observation Evaluation)


(Use Observation Evaluation)





Half Placements

First Evaluation

Second Evaluation

Final Evaluation





6, 7, or 8 Weeks


(Use the Observation Evaluation)


(Use the Observation Evaluation)


(Use Observation Evaluation)









These evaluations will be completed regularly throughout the experience as outlined below and on your evaluation documents. These evaluations are based on your observations and interactions with your student teacher.  Examples of what you will be assessing are : lesson planning and preparation, lesson delivery, differentiating instruction, use of technology, pre-post assessments and professional behavior.

Reliability - First Observation (InTASC)

On the first observation , plan to complete the  InTASC Evaluation at the same time the university supervisor completes his/hers. Compare your scoring with each other and discuss areas you differ in your assessment.

Midterm and Final (Exit) Evaluation (InTASC & Dispositions)

For these evaluations, you should consider ALL observations and interactions you have had up to the point of the evaluation with the student teacher. 

In order to receive a passing grade, the summative evaluation ratings for each standard must be at the Developing, Basic, or Proficient level. A student teacher may NOT receive an unsatisfactory rating and still pass student teaching. If there was no opportunity to observe a criterion, choose Not Observed.

Lesson Critique

Student teachers will teach many lessons during their student teaching.  For these, they must use the required Lesson Plan template when preparing their lessons. Four of these lessons will need to be observed and critiqued by the cooperating teacher using the Lesson Critique.  An informational Lesson Critique Checklist is provided to assist you in evaluating the lessons. Review each evaluation with the student teacher and discuss areas of strength and areas needing improvement. The student teacher should sign the form after you discuss the evaluation. Please make your evaluations available during the supervisor's observation visits.  You may use the guide below to help you plan out when you will complete the lesson critiques. 

Lesson Critique for 14-Week Placement

Lesson Critique for Split Placements

(6, 7, or 8 Week)

First- during the 2nd or 3rd week

First- during the 2nd or 3rd week

Second-during the 6th or 7th week

Second-during the 5th or 6th week

Third-during the 8th or 9th week


Fourth-during the 11th or 12th  week


Honorarium for Cooperating Teachers

You will receive an honorarium depending on how many weeks the student teacher spends in your classroom; $10/week up to $140.00 for a full 14 week placement. This honorarium is paid by check directly to you, and is sent out after the university supervisor has returned your evaluation forms to the Field Office.

Approximately halfway through the semester, the School of Education office will contact you to ask whether you want the check mailed to your school or home. If you are expecting an honorarium check and do not receive it, or if you have questions regarding the honorarium, contact Garnet Coulthard ( ) in the School of Education office.

Program Evaluation

We ask that you complete a Program Evaluation survey at the end of the student teaching period that will help us evaluate and improve the Teacher Education program. 

We appreciate your willingness to complete this quick survey.  Your honest answers about your experience with the Teacher Education program are anonymous and will be much appreciated.  

Iowa Renewal Credit

If you are a teacher in Iowa, you are eligible for renewal credit for hosting a student teacher.  More information about license renewal may be found on the BOEE website.  The renewal credit form may be downloaded by clicking here:  Iowa Renewal Credit Form

The State of Iowa requires you to maintain a record of your eligible activities.  Complete the first form provided in the BOEE instructions by listing all the students you have supervised for either practicum or student teaching.  You may only submit one form from each university that you had practicum or student teachers from, so wait until you are close to renewing your license. Send your completed form to the Graceland Field Office for verification of placements we have made with you.  We will return to you the second BOEE form with a signature from a Graceland representative.  You will then submit your renewal form along with any other required documentation to the BOEE for renewal credit.

Graceland University
School of Education 
1 University Place
Lamoni, IA   50140


For questions or concerns contact:

The Field Office coordinates candidate field experiences for methods classes, as well as placements for practicum and student teaching. Course credit is given only for placements assigned by the university through the Field Office and supervised by university faculty.
Melissa Newman EdS

Field Placement Coordinator/GSOE Instructor

Gleazer School of Education, Lamoni 

(641) 784-5493   


Christopher Doering

School of Education Site Director

Gleazer School of Education, Independence





  • Miscellaneous

    Name Description Status Source
    Cooperating Teacher Overview Required 2021 Cooperating Teacher Overview.pdf Edit Cooperating Teacher Overview Delete Cooperating Teacher Overview
    14 Week Suggested Activities and Checklist for CT Required Checklist Cooperating Teacher Suggested Responsibilities for Student Teaching Placement .pdf Edit 14 Week Suggested Activities and Checklist for CT Delete 14 Week Suggested Activities and Checklist for CT
    Student Teaching Phases Required Student Teaching Phases 14 weeks.docx Edit Student Teaching Phases Delete Student Teaching Phases
    Lesson Critique Schedule Required Lesson Critique Schedule.JPG Edit Lesson Critique Schedule Delete Lesson Critique Schedule
    Lesson Plan Template

    This is the lesson plan form your student teacher will use during student teaching.  

    Required 2021 Lesson Plan Template updated (4).pdf Edit Lesson Plan Template Delete Lesson Plan Template
    Observation Form

    Use this form for your  bi-weekly observations. 

    Required Student Teaching Observation Evaluation InTASC & Learning Outcomes_.pdf Edit Observation Form Delete Observation Form
    Midterm/Final Evaluation

    This form will be completed once midway and again at the end of student teaching.

    Required Midterm & Exit Evaluation_.pdf Edit Midterm/Final Evaluation Delete Midterm/Final Evaluation
    Lesson Critique Form Required Lesson_Critique_STeaching.pdf Edit Lesson Critique Form Delete Lesson Critique Form
    Disposition Form

    This form will be completed once about midway and again at the end of student teaching. 

    Required Disposition Evaluation_.pdf Edit Disposition Form Delete Disposition Form
    Weekly Activities - Student Teacher's Perspective Required Suggested Activities for Student Teaching Placemen.pdf Edit Weekly Activities - Student Teacher's Perspective Delete Weekly Activities - Student Teacher's Perspective
    While focused on a reorder icon, press the Enter key or spacebar to "select" the icon. While a reorder icon is selected, pressing the up and down arrows will change the order of the selected item within the list. Pressing Enter key or spacebar again will drop the selected item at that location in the list.
While focused on a reorder icon, press the Enter key or spacebar to "select" the icon. While a reorder icon is selected, pressing the up and down arrows will change the order of the selected item within the list. Pressing Enter key or spacebar again will drop the selected item at that location in the list.