Observations should be spaced about 2 weeks apart. You will complete three different types of evaluations for your student teacher
- Observation Evaluation (Based on InTASC and Learning Objectives) (6 total)
- Professional Dispositions Evaluation (Professional Behaviors) (2 total)
- Lesson Critique (Lesson Delivery and Preparation) (4 total)
IMPORTANT, the midterm and final evaluations are summative, so all criteria needs to be evaluated.
Refer to the Evaluation Schedule below for when you should complete the evaluations:
Evaluation Schedule for Student Teaching Placements
First Evaluation
Second Evaluation
Third (Midterm) Evaluation
Fourth Evaluation
Fifth Evaluation
Final Evaluation
14 Weeks
(Use the Observation Evaluation)
(Use the Observation Evaluation)
Midterm InTASC
(Use Observation Evaluation)
(Use the Observation Evaluation)
(Use the Observation Evaluation)
(Use Observation Evaluation)
Half Placements
First Evaluation
Second Evaluation
Final Evaluation
6, 7, or 8 Weeks
(Use the Observation Evaluation)
(Use the Observation Evaluation)
(Use Observation Evaluation)
These evaluations will be completed regularly throughout the experience as outlined below and on your evaluation documents. These evaluations are based on your observations and interactions with your student teacher. Examples of what you will be assessing are : lesson planning and preparation, lesson delivery, differentiating instruction, use of technology, pre-post assessments and professional behavior.
Reliability - First Observation (InTASC)
On the first observation , plan to complete the InTASC Evaluation at the same time the university supervisor completes his/hers. Compare your scoring with each other and discuss areas you differ in your assessment.
Midterm and Final (Exit) Evaluation (InTASC & Dispositions)
For these evaluations, you should consider ALL observations and interactions you have had up to the point of the evaluation with the student teacher.
In order to receive a passing grade, the summative evaluation ratings for each standard must be at the Developing, Basic, or Proficient level. A student teacher may NOT receive an unsatisfactory rating and still pass student teaching. If there was no opportunity to observe a criterion, choose Not Observed.
Lesson Critique
Student teachers will teach many lessons during their student teaching. For these, they must use the required Lesson Plan template when preparing their lessons. Four of these lessons will need to be observed and critiqued by the cooperating teacher using the Lesson Critique. An informational Lesson Critique Checklist is provided to assist you in evaluating the lessons. Review each evaluation with the student teacher and discuss areas of strength and areas needing improvement. The student teacher should sign the form after you discuss the evaluation. Please make your evaluations available during the supervisor's observation visits. You may use the guide below to help you plan out when you will complete the lesson critiques.
Lesson Critique for 14-Week Placement
Lesson Critique for Split Placements
(6, 7, or 8 Week)
First- during the 2nd or 3rd week
First- during the 2nd or 3rd week
Second-during the 6th or 7th week
Second-during the 5th or 6th week
Third-during the 8th or 9th week
Fourth-during the 11th or 12th week