Iowa Chapter 79

All student teacher candidates from Graceland University are initially working towards an Iowa teaching license.  No matter where they complete their student teaching, they are governed by the regulations set forth in Iowa Chapter 79 Standards for Practitioner and Administrator Preparation Programs. 

“Cooperating teachers” means appropriately licensed classroom teachers of record who provide guidance and supervision to teacher candidates in the cooperating teachers’ classrooms during the candidates’ field experiences in the schools. 

79.14(1) states that we will ensure that clinical experiences occurring in all locations are well-sequenced, supervised by appropriately qualified personnel, monitored by the unit, and integrated into the unit standards. These expectations are shared with teacher candidates, college/university supervisors, and cooperating teachers

79.14(7) states that we are responsible for ensuring that the student teaching experience for initial licensure:

a. Includes a full-time experience for a minimum of 14 weeks in duration during the teacher candidate’s final year of the teacher preparation program.

b. Takes place in the classroom of a cooperating teacher who is appropriately licensed in the subject area and grade level endorsement for which the teacher candidate is being prepared.

c. Includes prescribed minimum expectations and responsibilities, including ethical behavior, for the teacher candidate.

d. Involves the teacher candidate in communication and interaction with parents or guardians of students in the teacher candidate’s classroom.

e. Requires the teacher candidate to become knowledgeable about the Iowa teaching standards and to experience a mock evaluation, which shall not be used as an assessment tool by the unit, performed by the cooperating teacher or a person who holds an Iowa evaluator license.

f. Requires collaborative involvement of the teacher candidate, cooperating teacher, and college/university supervisor in candidate growth. This collaborative involvement includes biweekly supervisor observations with feedback.

g. Requires the teacher candidate to bear primary responsibility for planning, instruction, and assessment within the classroom for a minimum of two weeks (ten school days).

h. Includes a written evaluation procedure, after which the completed evaluation form is included in the teacher candidate’s permanent record.