We appreciate your willingness to participate in Graceland's Teacher Education program. You will play a vital role in the professional growth of the student teacher, and will help to further his/her confidence, skill, and competence toward performance in the classroom. The complete Teacher Education Program handbook is available at any time. The specific section that covers student teaching is available here: Student Teaching Syllabus
* It is essential that you read the overview document below to fully understand your responsibilities as a cooperating teacher.
Cooperating Teacher Overview
14 Week Checklist for CT
The Cooperating Teacher Workshop
Iowa Chapter 79 requires all teacher preparation programs to offer one or more annual workshops for cooperating teachers to define the objectives of the student teaching experience, review the responsibilities of the cooperating teacher, and provide the cooperating teacher other information and assistance the unit deems necessary.
All Cooperating Teachers are asked to participate in the Online Workshop created for cooperating teachers. The workshop provides additional resources to assist you in mentoring a student teacher. For questions, please email the field office at fieldoffice@graceland.edu.
The workshop can be completed at your convenience, returning as many times as necessary to review the information.
No log in required, just click on the link below.
Cooperating Teacher Workshop
To help you understand the requirements that your student teacher must complete, you are encouraged to review the Program Handbook for Teacher Education. Your student teacher will have this downloaded as well. Chapter 3 - Student Teaching/Licensure covers candidate requirements during the student teaching experience