Welcome to Graceland

We appreciate your willingness to participate in Graceland's Teacher Education program and provide an engaging practicum experience for a Graceland student. You will play a vital role in the professional growth of the practicum student, and will help to further his/her confidence, skill, and competence toward performance in the classroom.

Please review the Practicum Overview, which explains what a practicum student is required to do while in your classroom.

Suggestions for Welcoming a Practicum Student

  • Prepare a desk or space within the classroom for the practicum student to observe and work during the day. You might want to connect a table to your desk to make conferencing easier, or add a small desk to the back of the classroom. Some items to include: name tag, Kleenex, calendar, and office supplies.
  • Start a folder/binder for the practicum student that includes whatever you think is appropriate for your school/classroom. Gather materials that can help the practicum student acclimate to your building and classroom.
  • Prepare your students by talking about the arrival of the practicum student and your expectations for their behavior.