For questions or concerns contact:

The Field Office coordinates candidate field experiences for methods classes, as well as placements for practicum and student teaching. Course credit is given only for placements assigned by the university through the Field Office and supervised by university faculty.
Melissa Newman EdS

Field Placement Coordinator/GSOE Instructor

Gleazer School of Education, Lamoni 

(641) 784-5493   


Christopher Doering

School of Education Site Director

Gleazer School of Education, Independence





Review Instructions and Processes

Read through this summary of University Supervisor Responsibilities, Tips and Resources.  University Supervisor Responsibilities


The complete Teacher Education Program handbook is available at any time.  The specific section that covers student teaching is available here: Student Teaching Syllabus

Student Teachers use a cloud-based system called  Chalk & Wire to upload their required journals and artifacts for their university supervisor to read and assess.  When a student submits an item, the university supervisor will receive and email notifying them that they have work to assess.

To see everything that student teachers will be submitting in Chalk and Wire Anthology Portfolio, click here.

Student teachers will need to clearly describe, analyze and reflect on all ten InTASC standards sometime in their journals.  All 10 InTASC Standards at a Glance

Note that not everything in their eportfolio will go to their university supervisor, here is a link to a document that will show everything you should receive. University Supervisor Copy of Chalk and Wire submissions

If you have questions on how to assess the student teacher's work or if you have any questions about accessing the Chalk and Wire system or need your Chalk & Wire password reset, contact Garnet Coulthard

Prior to the placement you should familiarize yourself with student teaching requirements, processes, and evaluation forms.  The links below should have all the forms you will need.

  1. It may be helpful to read the Supervisor Overview and Expectations document to fully understand your responsibilities as a university supervisor.

  2. Contact your student teacher(s) to determine the start date and when you will visit the classroom during the first week.  

  3. Review a copy of the University Supervisor Student Teaching Checklist to aid in your communication with the teacher and student teacher. You should go over this checklist with your student teacher during the initial meet and greet meeting. 

  4. This link will download a copy of the most current version of the  Program Handbook for Teacher Education This handbook combines last year's Teacher Education Handbook and Field Experience Handbook.  


Overview of Responsibilities

The range of student teaching placements requires the School of Education to appoint a variety of supervisors.  Every elementary and secondary student teacher will be assigned a supervisor employed by the School of Education at Graceland University.

The School of Education supervisor will be responsible for the following:

  • Make an initial visit during the first week week of the student teaching placement to become familiar with cooperating teacher, the classroom, the school building and principal, and the student teacher. 
    • During the first visit, the supervisor will go over the evaluation requirements and student teaching processes with the student and the cooperating teacher. 
  • Make at least six additional bi-weekly observation visits, completing the appropriate evaluations.
  • Read and evaluate the student teacher’s weekly journal in Chalk and Wire.
  • Assess the student teacher’s Required Artifacts in Chalk and Wire:
    • Lesson Plans
    • Pre and Post Assessment
    • Student Work Samples
    • Video Self-Evaluation
  • Schedule an exit interview with the student teacher using the Exit Interview form. During the Exit Interview, ask the student to complete the Alumni Contact form. Also complete the Evaluation of Cooperating Teacher and School. (All forms are provided on the Supervisor Support page in My Graceland).
  • Record the summative evaluations (InTASC and Disposition) from both supervisor and the cooperating teacher.

Collect the cooperating teacher evaluation forms at the end of the placement.  Return all paperwork (from both you and the cooperating teacher) to the Field Office. 

  • Supervisor INTASC Evaluation
  • Supervisor Disposition Evaluation
  • Cooperating Teacher INTASC Evaluation
  • Cooperating Teacher Disposition Evaluation
  • Exit Interview Checklist
  • Evaluation of Cooperating Teacher and School
  • Alumni Contact Information


Distance Supervisor

When a student completes their student teaching experience at a distance, he/she will also be assigned a supervisor who is living in that area. While the student teacher has many artifacts they will be required to submit, many of them will be the responsibility of the local Graceland University supervisor.

 Responsibilities of the distance supervisor:

  • Make an initial contact with and maintain communication with the cooperating teacher and the Graceland University supervisor
  • Make six observation visits every other week in the classroom, completing the appropriate evaluations
  • Ensure the student teacher is following Iowa core teaching standards.
  • Review the student teacher’s weekly journal via email (the student teacher should also submit the journal to the University Supervisor in Chalk and Wire)
  • Review the student teacher’s Unit Lesson Plans (the student teacher will also submit them to their Graceland University Supervisor in Chalk and Wire)
  • Complete the Evaluation of School and Cooperating Teacher form
  • Return both Supervisor and Cooperating teacher evaluation forms to the Field Office

Assessing the Student Teacher

Supervision will require a minimum of seven visits during the 14 week placement.  We always ask for an initial visit during the first week of student teaching to allow the University Supervisor to familiarize themselves with the building,, meet the cooperating teacher, go over the evaluation forms, and set up a schedule for the upcoming visits.  

You will complete two different types of evaluations for your student teacher. The Cooperating Teacher will be completing the same evaluation forms as the University Supervisor, following the same similar schedule below. The first Observation Visit is a good time to complete the Reliability Exercise, to ensure both the Cooperating Teacher and the University Supervisor are assessing the student comparably. 


  1. Observation Evaluation (Based on InTASC  and Learning Objectives)
  2. Professional Dispositions Evaluation (at midterm and again at exit) (Professional Behaviors)

IMPORTANT, the midterm and final evaluations are summative, so all criteria needs to be evaluated. 

Refer to the Evaluation Schedule below for when you should complete the evaluations:

Evaluation Schedule for Student Teaching Placements


First Evaluation

Second Evaluation

Third Evaluation


Fourth Evaluation

Fifth Evaluation

Sixth Summative Evaluation


14 Weeks


(Observation Evaluation)


(Observation Evaluation)


(Midterm Observation Evaluation)


Midterm Disposition Evaluation




(Observation Evaluation)


(Observation Evaluation)


( Exit Observation Evaluation)


Exit Disposition Evaluation




These evaluations will be completed regularly throughout the experience as outlined below and on your evaluation documents. These evaluations are based on your observations and interactions with your student teacher.  Examples of what you will be assessing are : lesson planning and preparation, lesson delivery, differentiating instruction, use of technology, pre-post assessments and professional behavior.

Reliability - First Observation (InTASC)

On the first observation , plan to complete the  InTASC Evaluation at the same time the cooperating teacher completes his/hers. Compare your scoring with each other and discuss areas you differ in your assessment.

Midterm and Final Exit Evaluation (InTASC & Dispositions)

For these evaluations, you should consider ALL observations and interactions with the student teacher throughout the entire placement at the time your are recording your scores. 

In order to receive a passing grade, the summative evaluation ratings for each standard must be at the Developing, Basic, or Proficient level. Not more than two standards should be Developing. A student teacher may NOT receive an unsatisfactory rating and still pass student teaching. If there was no opportunity to observe a criterion, choose Not Observed.

Lesson Critique

Student teachers must use the required Lesson Plan template when preparing their lessons. The cooperating teacher will use the Lesson Critique form to evaluate lessons taught by the student teacher, four times for a fourteen week placement and twice for a 6, 7, or 8 week placement.  Review each evaluation with the student teacher and discuss areas of strength and areas needing improvement.

Evaluations forms are provided for you below as a fillable .pdf document. Scroll down the screen and then click the links to save the evaluation forms to your computer.

The forms are .PDF or word to complete electronically. Download and save a copy of each one to your computer. Or you may print them out to complete by them hand. If you are unable to download or open the documents, contact the Field Office ( and the form(s) will be sent to you as a word document. The university supervisor will collect your forms (electronically or on paper) at the end of the placement. 

You will collect the cooperating teacher's forms (electronically or on paper) at the end of the placement.  After you've recorded the summative assessments in Chalk and Wire, you will return all forms (cooperating teacher and supervisor) to the Field Office.

Evaluations For All Placements

The Observation Evaluation is to be completed during each visit. You will also use this same form for the midterm and exit evaluations. 

Exit Interview (University Supervisors)

The university supervisor for the final placement should arrange to meet with the student teacher face-to-face after he/she has completed student teaching requirements. This is your opportunity to discuss the student teaching experience with each other and review evaluations, along with the grade you are giving them for the course. You have the ability to see all evaluations, including the student teacher's self-evaluations, by creating an Advisor Group in Chalk and Wire. Refer to the Video Tutorial on how to create an Advisor Group.

The Exit Interview Checklist form will help you determine that all requirements have been met.  This is also where you will communicate your final grade for the course and if you recommend this student for licensure. It is recommended you also email the Field Office to inform them when the student has finished student teaching and is ready for a grade.  

The university supervisor will review the student teacher's timesheet for accuracy and to ensure the student has documented 560 hours and a minimum of 14 weeks of student teaching.  In addition, this is a good time to remind the student teacher to be sure all of their student teaching required artifacts have submitted in their Chalk and Wire Anthology Portfolio. 


Evaluation of Cooperating Teacher and School

For each student teacher and placement, please complete the Evaluation of Cooperating Teacher and School.  Your evaluation is important to help the Field Office determine whether or not this teacher and/or school should be used again for future placements.  Please return this form to the Field Office with your evaluation forms.


Alumni Contact Information

Ask the student teacher to complete the Alumni Contact Information form.  Having this information is vital to help us keep track of alumni employment and contact information.  Please return this form to the Field Office with your evaluation forms.

Recording the Midterm and Exit Assessment (Graceland University Supervisors)

At midterm and at the completion of student teaching, you will record both yours and the cooperating teachers scores in Chalk and Wire.  These observation are intended to be a summative evaluation of your student teacher.  You should take into account the student teacher's performance and abilities throughout their time in the classroom. You will record the summative ratings in Chalk and Wire from your own forms as well as the cooperating teacher's. These will be entered at midterm and at the end after your exit interview with your student teacher.  

  • Once you have both yours and the cooperating teacher's Disposition and Student Teaching INTASC evaluations in hand, you will simply click on the corresponding the link to assess the work, entering the final scores and any comments from the evaluation, and save it.
  • Notify the fieldoffice that all evaluations are completed and a final grade can be entered.

      If you have any questions, please contact Garnet Coulthard

Return Evaluation Forms

Collect the cooperating teacher evaluation forms at the end of the placement.  Electronic forms may be sent to you as email attachments, and paper forms may be collected during your final visit.  Return all paperwork (from both you and the cooperating teacher) to the Field Office.

Supervisors will be contacted close to the end of the semester regarding deadlines. If a student teacher will be delayed completing their student teaching placement before grades are due, please let the Field Office know. 

The following is what is required to be returned to the Field Office at the end of the placement:

An email to the indicating the student has completed and successfully passed their student teaching. 


Copies of the following:

  • Supervisor Observation Evaluations
  • Supervisor Midterm & Exit Evaluations
  • Supervisor Disposition Evaluation


  • Cooperating Teacher Observation Evaluations
  • Cooperating Teacher Midterm & Exit Evaluations
  • Cooperating Teacher Disposition Evaluation


  • Exit Interview Checklist
  • Evaluation of Cooperating Teacher and School
  • Alumni Contact Information

The students' time-sheet, lesson critiques, and work samples should all have been uploaded to Chalk and Wire, but if you have copies, they may be sent as well. 

Electronic forms may be sent as email attachments to 

Paper forms may be mailed to the address below or given to Garnet Coulthard (Lamoni office). 

Graceland University
School of Education Field Office
1 University Place
Lamoni, IA   50140 


Current 40 Hour Form

Iowa §79 requires that the School of Education will hold faculty members accountable for professional growth to meet the academic needs of the program. Faculty members will engage in professional education and maintain ongoing involvement in activities in preschool and elementary, middle, or secondary schools. This will include at least 4 hours of instruction at the appropriate grade level(s) every semester, reaching a minimum of 40 hours over a five-year period spanning 6/1/23 – 5/31/28.  Please keep this form updated and return it when requested. 

How to Use Electronic Forms

How to Create an Advisor Group

How to Assess Student Work

For questions or concerns contact:

The Field Office coordinates student field experiences for methods classes, as well as placements for practicum and student teaching. Course credit is given only for student teaching assigned by the university through the Field Office and supervised by university faculty.

Melissa Newman

Field Placement Coordinator

School of Education

(641) 784-5493  

Distance Supervisor

When a student completes their student teaching experience at a distance, he/she will be assigned two supervisors One who is living in that area who will observe and evaluate the student teacher in their classroom. The second supervisor will be a Graceland faculty member who will assess and critique their submissions to their Chalk and Wire Anthology Portfolio. While the student teacher has many artifacts they will be required to submit, several will be reviewed by both supervisors and the majority will of them will be the responsibility of the local Graceland University supervisor.

 Responsibilities of the distance supervisor:

  • Make an initial contact with and maintain communication with the cooperating teacher and the Graceland University supervisor
  • Make six observation visits every other week in the classroom, completing the appropriate evaluations
  • Ensure the student teacher is following Iowa core teaching standards.
  • Review the student teacher’s weekly journal via email 
  • Review the student teacher’s Unit Lesson Plans. (Graceland Student Teachers will use our lesson plan template in order to line up with our assessment rubrics.) 
  • Complete the Evaluation of School and Cooperating Teacher form
  • Return both Supervisor and Cooperating teacher evaluation forms to the Field Office

Review Instructions and Processes

Prior to the placement you should familiarize yourself with student teaching requirements, processes, and evaluation forms.  The links below should have all the forms you will need.

  1. It may be helpful to read the Supervisor Overview and Expectations document to fully understand your responsibilities as a university supervisor.

  2. Contact your student teacher(s) to determine the start date and when you will visit the classroom during the first week.  

  3. Save a copy of the Supervisor Checklist to aid in your communication with the teacher and student teacher. You should go over this checklist with your student teacher during the initial meet and greet meeting. You should complete all checklist items by the end of your second visit to the classroom.  Ask the teacher and student to initial the form after you have discussed each item. Return the form to the Field Office along with your other paperwork at the end of the placement.

Overview of Responsibilities

The range of student teaching placements requires the School of Education to appoint a variety of supervisors.  Every elementary and secondary student teacher will be assigned a supervisor employed by the School of Education at Graceland University.

The School of Education supervisor will be responsible for the following:

  • Make an initial visit during the first week week of the student teaching placement to become familiar with cooperating teacher, the classroom, the school building and principal, and the student teacher. 
    • During the first visit, the supervisor will go over the evaluation requirements and student teaching processes with the student and the cooperating teacher. 
  • Make at least six additional bi-weekly observation visits, completing the appropriate evaluations.
  • Read and evaluate the student teacher’s weekly journal.
  • Evaluate the student teacher’s unit Lesson Plans
  • Schedule an exit interview with the student teacher using the Exit Interview form. During the Exit Interview, ask the student to complete the Alumni Contact form. Also complete the Evaluation of Cooperating Teacher and School. (All forms are provided on the Supervisor Support page in My Graceland).
  • Collect all of the evaluations (InTASC and Disposition) from both supervisor and the cooperating teacher and return them to the School of Education office. (email attachments, fax or mail)
    • All Observation Forms for both Supervisor and Cooperating Teacher
    • Supervisor Disposition Evaluation
    • Cooperating Teacher Disposition Evaluation
    • Exit Interview Checklist
    • Evaluation of Cooperating Teacher and School
    • Alumni Contact Information



Forms and Schedule

Assessing the Student Teacher

Supervision will require a minimum of seven visits during the 14 week placement.  We always ask for an initial visit during the first week of student teaching to allow the University Supervisor to familiarize themselves with the building,, meet the cooperating teacher, go over the evaluation forms, and set up a schedule for the upcoming visits.  

You will complete two different types of evaluations for your student teacher. The Cooperating Teacher will be completing the same evaluation forms as the University Supervisor, following the same similar schedule below. The first Observation Visit is a good time to complete the reliability exercise, to ensure both the Cooperating Teacher and the University Supervisor are assessing the student comparably.

  1. Observation Evaluation (Based on InTASC  and Learning Objectives)
  2. Professional Dispositions Evaluation (Professional Behaviors)

IMPORTANT, the midterm and final evaluations are summative, so all criteria needs to be evaluated. 

Evaluations For All Placements

The Observation Evaluation is to be completed during each observation visit.  The .pdf can be completed electronically, or they may be printed off and completed by hand. 

Use the observation InTASC Evaluation form for bi-weekly observations, midterm and final evaluations. 

Refer to the Evaluation Schedule below for when you should complete the evaluations:

Evaluation Schedule for Student Teaching Placements


First Evaluation

Second Evaluation

Third (Midterm) Evaluation


Fourth Evaluation

Fifth Evaluation

Sixth Exit Evaluation


14 Weeks


(Observation Evaluation)


(Observation Evaluation)


(Observation Evaluation)



(Midterm & Exit Evaluation)



(Observation Evaluation)


(Observation Evaluation)


(Observation Evaluation)



(Midterm & Exit Evaluation)



These evaluations will be completed regularly throughout the experience as outlined below and on your evaluation documents. These evaluations are based on your observations and interactions with your student teacher.  Examples of what you will be assessing are : lesson planning and preparation, lesson delivery, differentiating instruction, use of technology, pre-post assessments and professional behavior.

Reliability - First Observation (InTASC)

On the first observation , plan to complete the  InTASC Evaluation at the same time the cooperating teacher completes his/hers. Compare your scoring with each other and discuss areas you differ in your assessment.

Midterm and Final Exit Evaluation (InTASC & Dispositions)

For these evaluations, you should consider ALL observations and interactions with the student teacher throughout the entire placement at the time your are recording your scores. 

In order to receive a passing grade, the summative evaluation ratings for each standard must be at the Developing, Basic, or Proficient level. Not more than two standards can be Developing. A student teacher may NOT receive an unsatisfactory rating and still pass student teaching. If there was no opportunity to observe a criterion, choose Not Observed.

Lesson Critique

Student teachers must use the required Lesson Plan template when preparing their lessons. The cooperating teacher will use the Lesson Critique form to evaluate lessons taught by the student teacher, four times for a fourteen week placement and twice for a 6, 7, or 8 week placement.  Review each evaluation with the student teacher and discuss areas of strength and areas needing improvement.

Evaluations forms are provided for you below as a fillable .pdf document. Scroll down the screen and then click the links to save the evaluation forms to your computer.

The forms are .PDF or word to complete electronically. Download and save a copy of each one to your computer. Or you may print them out to complete by them hand. If you are unable to download or open the documents, contact the Field Office ( and the form(s) will be sent to you as a word document. The university supervisor will collect your forms (electronically or on paper) at the end of the placement. 

You will collect the cooperating teacher's forms (electronically or on paper) at the end of the placement and return all forms (cooperating teacher and supervisor) to the School of Education Office.

Evaluations For All Placements

The Observation Evaluation is to be completed during each observation visit.  The .pdf can be completed electronically, or the word form can be printed off. 


Upon Completion

Exit Interview (University Supervisors)

The university supervisor for the final placement should arrange to meet with the student teacher face-to-face after he/she has completed student teaching requirements. This is your opportunity to discuss the student teaching experience with each other and review evaluations, along with the recommendation for a grade you are giving them for the course. 

The university supervisor will review the student teacher's timesheet for accuracy and to ensure the student has documented 70 days of student teaching.  In addition, this is a good time to remind the student teacher to be sure all of their student teaching required artifacts have submitted in their Chalk and Wire Anthology Portfolio. 

Evaluation of Cooperating Teacher and School

For each student teacher and placement, please complete the Evaluation of Cooperating Teacher and School.  Your evaluation is important to help the Field Office determine whether or not this teacher and/or school should be used again for future placements.  Please return this form to the Field Office with your evaluation forms.

Alumni Contact Information

Ask the student teacher to complete the Alumni Contact Information form.  Having this information is vital to help us keep track of alumni employment and contact information.  Please return this form to the Field Office with your evaluation forms.


  If you have any questions, please contact Garnet Coulthard


Return Evaluation Forms

Collect the cooperating teacher evaluation forms at the end of the placement.  Electronic forms may be sent to you as email attachments, and paper forms may be collected during your final visit.  Return all paperwork (from both you and the cooperating teacher) to the School of Education.

Supervisors will be contacted close to the end of the semester regarding deadlines. If a student teacher will be delayed completing their student teaching placement before grades are due, please let the Field Office know. 

The following is what is required to be returned to the Field Office at the end of the placement:

Copies of the following:

  • Supervisor Observation Evaluations
  • Supervisor Midterm & Exit Evaluations
  • Supervisor Disposition Evaluation


  • Cooperating Teacher Observation Evaluations
  • Cooperating Teacher Midterm & Exit Evaluations
  • Cooperating Teacher Disposition Evaluation


  • Evaluation of Cooperating Teacher and School
  • Alumni Contact Information

The students' time-sheet, lesson critiques, and work samples should all have been uploaded to Chalk and Wire, but if you have copies, they may be sent as well. 

Electronic forms may be sent as email attachments to 

Paper forms may be mailed to the address below or given to Garnet Coulthard (Lamoni office). 

Graceland University
School of Education Field Office
1 University Place
Lamoni, IA   50140