Practicum Requirement

Student teacher candidates are required to successfully complete at least one practicum experience prior to student teaching. This clinical practice is typically completed the semester of student teaching, but can also be completed during other semesters. Most practicums are 60 hours (1 CR) in length with the exception on K-8 Reading which is 80 hours (2 CR). Teacher candidates should work with their advisor to complete the application and to determine the number of practicum hours necessary for their endorsement area.  All teacher candidates must complete at least one practicum prior to student teaching.  Teacher candidates seeking a SPED endorsement must complete that practicum prior to student teaching.
*Practicum hours may only be counted after students have started school.  Professional Development days do not count for the first day of practicum, but they can count after school has resumed if the teacher candidate attends.  
A Summer Practicum is by special arrangement only and has limited availability.

Practicum Requirements

During a Practicum, you will use Chalk and Wire to submit the following artifacts to your supervisor:
  1. Weekly Journals 
  2. Lesson Plans (three (3)
  3. Student Work Samples
  4. Time Sheet- documenting hours working directly with students only.

Chalk and Wire video tutorials are provided on the Chalk and Wire (Anthology Portfolio) page.   


This handout will provide an overview of the requirements of your practicum. 

Practicum Overview and Requirements

Practicum Courses

Admittance into Teacher Education required. (Graded on a Pass/Fail basis.)

  • EDUC3290 Early Childhood Practicum  (Pre-req: EDUC3200; EDUC3310)
  • EDUC3330 Reading Practicum (Pre-req: EDUC3390)
  • EDUC3450 K-5 Mild/Mod Special Ed Practicum (Pre-req: EDUC3200; EDUC3220)
  • EDUC3550 5-12 Mild/Mod Special Ed Practicum (Pre-req: EDUC3200; EDUC3230)
  • EDUC3710 Elementary Practicum (recommended Pre-req: EDUC3400 for Elementary Majors, ARTS3300 or PHED3333 or MUSC3390)
  • EDUC3720 Secondary Practicum (Pre or Co-req: EDUC3520 or Subject area methods)
  • EDUC3730 Combination K-8 and 5-12 Practicum (Pre or Co-req: EDUC3520 or Subject area methods)

Pre-requisite for all practicum courses is acceptance into the Teacher Education program

Acceptance BEFORE Application

You must be accepted into the Teacher Education program before applying for or being placed in a Practicum experience.
To check on your acceptance status, choose Enrollment Checklist from the Student tab in My Graceland.  Once all requirements are met, your name will automatically go before the Teacher Education Committee at their next meeting. You will receive a letter after the meeting explaining your acceptance status.
Contact your advisor or Garnet Coulthard ( if you have questions about your acceptance status.

Application Deadlines

Field Experience Application Deadline


  • Summer 2025 Practicum 
    • October 1, 2024-January 31, 2025


  • Fall 2025 Practicum or Student Teaching
    • December 1, 2024 - March 31, 2025


  • Spring 2026 Practicum or Student Teaching
    • April 1, 2025-September 30, 2025


To apply for a field experience, you will need to log into your Chalk and Wire Anthology eportfolio account and select your Assessment Portfolio. Applications for practicums and student teaching are located under the Practicum or Student Teaching section. 


Practicums are counted in hours, where as student teaching is counted in days. Most practicums are 60-80 hours.. All student teaching is 70 days. While it is preferred that students complete their practicums from start to finish, completing them over the course of the semester is also allowed.  Student teaching days are counted if the district counts it as a day. So late starts and early outs will count as a full day of student teaching, but only the actual hours will count for practicums. المتجر
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If school is dismissed early for a teacher in-service meeting, you must attend the meeting with your cooperating teacher. In the event of inclement weather or illness, the hours should be made up with additional days of attendance.
You may begin after the practicum has been approved and you have received an email from the Field Office with the specific dates of the placement. Hours completed prior to approval may not be counted on a time sheet.

  • Practicums Information and Forms

    2023 Practicum Overview.pdf

    Checklist of what to do before, during and after your practicum. 

    2022 Practicum Checklist.pdf
    Practicum Journal Instructions.pdf
    Five Required InTASC Standards for Practicum.pdf
    2021 Guide for the Lesson Plan Template.pdf
    2021 Lesson Plan Template updated .pdf
    2021 Lesson Plan Template updated (3).docx
    Practicum Journal Rubric.pdf
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