Iowa Teaching License and Background Check

Please remember, Graceland University students are attending an Iowa university, so their initial teaching license will be issued from Iowa. If a student will not be teaching in Iowa, it is up to them to transfer their Iowa license to the state in which they want to teach in. 

All students will need to be fingerprinted and have a background check completed for their Iowa license. If they were fingerprinted and had a background check completed in another state, they will still need one for Iowa.  States do not share that information. 

The fees they will pay online when they complete their Iowa application will cover their Iowa license and federal background check for their Iowa license. 

If after a student has received their Iowa license and needs help transferring their Iowa license to Missouri or another state, we may be able to assist them in doing that.

All applicants will apply for their Iowa Teaching License on the BOEE website using their system.  Go to the BOEE website and click on:

  • Licensure Forms/Applications
  • Apply for a new license 

This will take them to the the BOEE's application system where the student will register and create an account. After they have created an account, they will only need to log in on future visits. 

Students will also enter their information required for their Federal background check for their Iowa license. 

After a student has been recommended for their Iowa Teaching license, they  may go back to the BOEE website and check under search for a license and if their license has been issued, it will appear there. To print a copy of their license, they will need to go back into the application system and there will be a tab marked My Licenses. 

Due to the large volume of requests, transactions in the summer take a minimum of four to six weeks to process. Please do not contact our office to check the status of an application unless it has been longer than six weeks.  

Denial of applications for licensure based on criminal convictions or founded child abuse

All initial applicants for licensure with the Iowa Board of Educational Examiners must undergo both a state and national criminal background check. This initial background check also includes a review of Iowa’s child abuse, dependent adult abuse, and sex offender registries. The Board’s administrative rules provide that certain criminal convictions, including forcible felonies and sexual offenses involving a child, will automatically disqualify a candidate from licensure.

With all other criminal convictions, as well as founded child or dependent adult abuse reports, the Board considers the totality of the circumstances and makes a determination based on the following factors:

The nature and seriousness of the crime or founded abuse in relation to the position sought;
The time elapsed since the crime or founded abuse was committed;
The degree of rehabilitation which has taken place since the crime or founded abuse was committed;
The likelihood that the person will commit the same crime or abuse again;
The number of criminal convictions or founded abuses committed; and such additional factors as may in a particular case demonstrate mitigating circumstances or heightened risk to public safety.

It is possible to be denied a license based on numerous traffic-related convictions, undisclosed assault convictions, repeated OWI's, or failure to disclose a suspended license from another state.  All applicants have the right to an appeal if an application for licensure is denied. 

  • ALABAMA (334) 242-9977
    Alabama State Dept of Education, Teacher Education and Certification Office
    5201 Gordon Persons Building
    P.O. Box 302101
  • ALASKA (907) 465-8661
    Alaska Dept of Education, Teacher Certification
    801 West 10th St., Suite 200
    Juneau, AK 99801-1894
  • ARIZONA (602) 542-4367
    Arizona Dept of Education, Teacher Testing Dept.
    1535 West Jefferson St., P.O. Box 6490
    Phoenix, AZ 85005-6490
  • ARKANSAS (501) 682-4342 
    Dept of Education, Teacher Education and Licensure
    4 State Capitol Mall, Room 106B
    Little Rock, AR 72201-1701
  • CALIFORNIA (916) 445-7254
    Commission on Teacher Credentialing
    1900 Capitol Ave.
    Sacramento, CA 95814-4213
  • COLORADO (303) 866-6628
    Colorado Dept of Education, Educator Licensing
    Colfax Ave, Room 105
    Denver, CO 80203-1799
  • CONNECTICUT (860) 566-4561
    Connecticut State Dept of Education, Bureau of Certification & Teacher Preparation
    P.O. Box 150471, Room 243
    Hartford, CT 061115-0471
  • DELAWARE (302) 739-4686
    Delaware Dept of Education, Office of Certification
    P.O. Box 1402, The Townsend Building
    Dover, DE 19903
  • DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA (202) 422-5377
    Educational Credentialing & Standards Branch
    825 N. Capitol ST NE, 6th Floor
    Washington, DC 20002
  • FLORIDA (850) 487-1899, (850) 488-2317
    Florida Dept of Education, Bureau of Teacher Certification Section
    suite 201 Florida Education Center
    Tallahassee, FL 32399-0400
  • GEORGIA (404) 657-9000
    Georgia Professional Standards Commission
    1452 Twin Towers-East
    Atlanta, GA 30334
  • HAWAII (808) 586-3420
    State of Hawaii, Dept of Education
    Office of Personnel Services-Teacher Recruitment, P.O. Box 2360
    Honolulu, HI 96804
  • IDAHO (208) 332-6880
    Idaho State Dept of Education, Teacher Certification
    P.O. Box 83720
    Boise, ID 83720-0027
  • ILLINOIS (217) 782-2805
    Illinois State Board of Education, Division of Professional Preparation
    Certification, and Placement, 100 North First St
    Springfield, IL 62777
  • INDIANA (317) 232-9010 
    Indiana Professional standards Board
    251 East Ohio, Suite 201
    Indianapolis, IN 46204
  • IOWA (515) 281-3245 
    Board of Educational Examiners, Licensing Bureau
    Grimes St. Office Building
    Des Moines, IA 50310-0146
  • KANSAS (785) 281-3245 
    Kansas State Department of Education, Certification Section
    120 SE 10th Ave.
    Topeka, KS 66612-1182
  • KENTUCKY (502) 573-4606
    Kentucky Dept of Education, Office of teacher Education & Certification
    Division of Certification, 1024 Center Drive
    Frankfort, KY 40601
  • LOUISIANA (800) 772-9476 (225) 342-3490
    Louisiana Dept of Education, Bureau of Higher Education, Certification and Higher Education
    P.O. Box 94064
    Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9064
  • MAINE (207) 287-5944 
    State of Maine, Dept of Education, Certification Sub Team #23
    State House Station
    Augusta, ME 04333-0023
  • MARYLAND (410) 767-0404
    Maryland State Dept of Education, Division of Certification and Accreditation
    200 West Baltimore Street
    Baltimore, MD 21201-2595
  • MASSACHUSETTS (781) 388-3300 
    Massachusetts Dept of education, Office of Certification
    350 Main St., P.O. Box 3140
    Malden, MA 02148-9140
  • MICHIGAN (517) 373-3310 
    Michigan Dept of Education, Office of Professional Preparation &
    Certification Services, Box 30008
    Lansing, MI 48909
  • MINNESOTA (651) 582-8691
    Minnesota Dept of Children, Families and Learning, Personal Licensing Station
    1500 Hwy 36 West
    Roseville, MN 55113-4266
  • MISSISSIPPI (601) 359-3483
    Mississippi Dept os Education, Office of Educator Licensure
    P.O. Box 771
    Jackson, MS 39205-0771
  • MISSOURI (573) 751-3486
    Teacher Certification
    P.O. Box 480
    Jefferson City, MO 65102-0480
  • MONTANA (406) 444-3150 
    Office of Public Instruction, Certification Servises
    P.O. Box 202501
    Helena, MT 59620-2501
  • NEBRASKA (402) 471-2496
    Nebraska Dept of Education, Teacher Certification Office
    301 Centennial Mall, P.O. Box 94987
    Lincoln, NE 68509-4987
  • NEVADA (702) 486-6458 
    Nevada Dept of Education
    1820 East Sahara, Suite 205
    Las Vegas, NV 89104
  • NEW HAMPSHIRE (603) 271-2407
    New Hampshire Dept of Education, Bureau of Credentialing
    State Office Park South, 101 Pleasant St.
    Concord, Nh 03301-3860
  • NEW JERSEY (609) 292-2070
    State of New Jersey, Dept of Education, Office of Licensing and Credentials
    P.O. Box 500
    Trenton, NJ 08625-0500
  • NEW MEXICO (505) 827-6587
    State of New Mexico Dept of Education
    300 Don Gaspar, Room 101
    Santa Fe, NM 87501-2786
  • NEW YORK  (518) 474-3901
    New York State Education Department
    Office of Teaching
    Albany, NY 12234
  • NORTH CAROLINA (919) 733-0377
    Department of Public Instruction, Licensure Section
    301 N. Wilmington St., Education Building
    Raleigh, NC 27601-2825
  • NORTH DAKOTA (701) 328-2264
    Education Standards & Practices Board, Office of Certification
    600 E. Boulevard Ave.
    Bismarck, ND 58505-0080
  • OHIO (614) 466-3593
    Ohio Dept of Education, Professional Development and Licensure
    65 South Front St., Room 412
    Columbus, OH 43215-4183
  • OKLAHOMA (405) 525-2612
    Oklahoma Dept of Education, Professional Standards Section
    2500 N. Lincoln Boulevard
    Oklahoma City, OK 73105-4599
  • OREGON (503) 378-3586 
    Teacher Standards & Practices Commission
    255 Capitol St. NE, Public Service Bldg, Suite 105
    Salem, OR 97301
  • PENNSYLVANIA (717) 787-2967 
    Pennsylvania Bureau Of Education, Teacher Certification and Preparation
    333 Market St.
    Harrisburg, PA 17126-0333
  • RHODE ISLAND (401) 222-2675
    Rhode Island Dept of Education, Office of Teacher Education and Certification
    255 Westminster St., Shepard Building, 4th Floor
    Providence, RI 02903
  • SOUTH CAROLINA (803) 734-8466
    South Carolina Dept of Education, Teacher Certification Section
    1600 Gervais Street, Suite C
    Columbia, SC 29201
  • SOUTH DAKOTA (605) 773-3553
    South Dakota Dept of Education & Cultural Affairs
    The Office of Policy and Accountability, 700 Governors Drive
    Pierre, SD 57501-2291
  • TENNESSEE (615) 532-4885
    Tennessee Dept of Education
    Office of Teacher Licensing, 5th Floor, 710 James Robertson Pkwy
    Nashville, TN 37243-0377
  • TEXAS (512) 469-3001
    State Board for Educator Certification
    1001 Trinity St., Teacher Retirement System Building
    Austin, TX 78701-2603
  • UTAH (801) 538-7740
     Utah State Office of Education
    Certification & Personnel Development, 250 East 500 South
    Salt Lake City, UT 84111 
  • VERMONT (802) 828-2445
    Vermont Dept of Education, Licensing & Professional Standars Office
    State Office Building, 120 Sate St.
    Montpelier, VT 05620-2501
  • VIRGINIA (804) 225-2022
    Department of Education
    Office of Teacher Education & Licensure, P.O. Box 2120
    Richmond, VA 23216-2120
  • WASHINGTON (360) 753-6773
    Superintendent of Public Instruction & Certification
    P.O. Box 47200
    Olympia, WA 98504-7200
  • WEST VIRGINIA (304)558-7010, (800) 982-2378
    West Virginia Dept of Education, Office of Professional Preparation
    E. 1900 Kanawha Boulevard, Capital Complex Building 6, Room B252
    Charleston, WV 25305-0330
  • WISCONSIN (608) 266-1027
    Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
    Teacher Licensing, P.O. Box 7841
    Madison, WI 53707-7841
  • WYOMING (307) 777-7291
    Professional Teaching Standards Boards
    Hathaway Building, 2nd Floor, 2300 Capitol Avenue
    Cheyenne, WY 82002-0019
You have no Folder Number

Students desiring to add a coaching endorsement to their Iowa license will need to complete the required classes for the endorsement, and will need a current CPR card and Concussion Training. 

Students desiring to coach before their initial license is issued may apply for a coaching authorization. It allows students to coach before they have received their teaching license.  They will also need a complete background check. 

More information is available from the Iowa Board of Educational Examiners:  BOEE Coaching

CPR training is available through the American Red Cross. 

Concussion Training is available by completing a free course from the National Federation of High School Associations.  Concussion Training.


For more information, contact your academic advisor. 

Mandatory Child and Dependent Adult Abuse Reporter Training

In 2019, HF 731 modified the requirements for mandatory reporter training for child and dependent adult abuse. The Iowa Department of Human Services is now providing the trainings online for free. The AEA is providing the same trainings online for a fee.  We will accept either the free DHS trainings or the paid AEA trainings (choose one or the other). 

  • The new trainings will be two hours each for both child abuse and dependent adult abuse. You need to complete both.
  • Your completion certificates will be issued through the provider you choose (DHS or AEA).  
  • The new trainings will be valid for three years. 
  • Once these trainings have been completed, updated refresher trainings can then be taken for one hour each as long as the trainings have not expired. 
  • Mandatory reporter training completed prior to July 1, 2019 will still be valid for five years from the date of completion. 

Free version: 

Mandatory reporter trainings for child and dependent adult abuse through DHS (free)


Mandatory reporter training for child abuse - AEA (fee) 

Mandatory reporter training for dependent adult abuse - AEA

Missouri Certification Information: An applicant who possesses a valid professional certificate from another state may be granted a Missouri certificate in an area most closely aligned to the certification if Missouri issues such certificate. If an educator is completing or has completed a teacher education program in another state (either on campus or online), it would be beneficial to obtain that state's certificate whether one plans to reside in that state or not. In most cases, a Missouri certificate is issued with no further coursework or test requirements.  If an area of certification is not equivalent, an educator may be evaluated based upon Missouri's current requirements for the most closely aligned certificate.


BEFORE applying online for a Missouri certificate/ license, you must submit hard copies of your Iowa teaching license and transcript(s) to the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE). Follow the procedures below:


  1. Your Iowa Teaching license will be issued approximately three – four weeks after recommendation. The Iowa Board of Educational Examiners is no longer printing and mailing licenses. Check their website under “search for a license” to view your license or to see if a pending licensure transaction has been processed. Our website version of your license is considered your official license record. When your Iowa license is visible, you may take a screen shot of the page to serve as our official license record.
  2. You must request an official Graceland transcript. Go to My Graceland > Student > Verify Enrollment or Order Transcripts Online. You will be directed to the National Clearinghouse website. Request to have the copy mailed directly to you. It will arrive in a sealed envelope inside another envelope. Do not break the seal.
  3. You will also need an official transcript from ALL colleges or universities you have attended, even if your coursework was transferred and appears on Graceland’s
  4. Once you have received your Iowa license and transcript(s), mail all documents to:

                Educator Certification

                P.O. Box 480

                Jefferson City, MO 65102

  1. A week after your documents have been mailed, follow the directions below to apply for a Missouri license


Online Certification System

All certification requests will be made through Missouri’s online system. A $100 processing fee is required.  The fee will be paid at the time the application is submitted online.  Fees may be paid by credit/debit card or by e-check. All processing fees are NON-REFUNDABLE. Follow the directions below to apply for a Missouri certificate and to complete the fingerprinting process:


Completing the Online Application

  1. Go to:
  2. Complete the online Non-Missouri Graduate Application. The online application form will guide you through creating a user ID and password, logging into the licensure system, and creating an online profile to complete the application form


By completing the online profile and application, you will be able to access your certificate within a few weeks. The online system will also show the status of your background clearance and Praxis scores if you had them sent to Missouri when you took the test. (Remember that you do not need to meet the Missouri cut-off score as long as you have met the Iowa Praxis cut-off score.) It is extremely important that you remember the user ID and password you created. These will be used to access your certification record and all future applications you wish to submit to the Department. For questions about Missouri certification, please contact or call (573) 751-0051.


Fingerprinting and Background Clearance

To complete a criminal history check and clearance, you will need to register with the Missouri Applicant Processing Services (MACHS). To identify your status as an educator, you must provide the following Registration Code:

  • Not currently employed by a school district: Registration Code 2300
  • If employed, ask for your school district’s four-digit code


Registering with MACHS

  1. Go to and click the icon to access the MACHS Fingerprint Portal.
  2. Select the option requiring the 4-digit Registration Code to begin your registration process
  3. At the top of the registration page, enter your 4-digit Registration Code in the space provided. (If using a school district’s Registration Code, click “Populate” to display the name and information of the school district for which you are registering then verify that the information is )
  4. Complete the form by filling out your personal demographic data. Click Register when you are
  5. At the top of the verification page is a highlighted 8-digit Transaction Control Number (TCN). This number will be used to track your fingerprints through the background check
  6. Click Schedule Fingerprinting to schedule an appointment with 3M/Cogent.
  7. Make payment arrangements to either pay online or at the time of your
  8. Choose a date for your
  9. After your appointment is confirmed, you will be provided with a receipt that includes your unique transaction control number (TCN) and all appointment information. Print this receipt for your


Fingerprints captured electronically are more accurate and the results can be expected within three weeks. Your fingerprint information will be recorded automatically on your profile page in the online Educator Certification System.  The results of the fingerprints are generally reported to the Educator Certification within 2 – 3 weeks from the date of the appointment and are valid for one year after the clearance date. Questions about the fingerprinting process may be directed to: 3M/Cogent (877) 862-2425 or The Missouri State Highway Patrol (573) 526-6312.


If you already have Missouri (not Iowa) fingerprint clearance, the automated system should pick up your clearance the day following the submission of your online application.


  • Iowa

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  • Missouri

    While focused on a reorder icon, press the Enter key or spacebar to "select" the icon. While a reorder icon is selected, pressing the up and down arrows will change the order of the selected item within the list. Pressing Enter key or spacebar again will drop the selected item at that location in the list.
  • General Licensure Information

    While focused on a reorder icon, press the Enter key or spacebar to "select" the icon. While a reorder icon is selected, pressing the up and down arrows will change the order of the selected item within the list. Pressing Enter key or spacebar again will drop the selected item at that location in the list.
While focused on a reorder icon, press the Enter key or spacebar to "select" the icon. While a reorder icon is selected, pressing the up and down arrows will change the order of the selected item within the list. Pressing Enter key or spacebar again will drop the selected item at that location in the list.