This course is conducted as a workshop that meets during the semester (zero credit). Students are given access to the Program Handbook and instructed on the requirements for the Teacher Education Program. Students need to take time to read the Program Handbook as it contains a lot of information about the program.
All Graceland education students will use Chalk & Wire as their electronic portfolio software. The portfolio development process allows teacher candidates to submit evidence of their growth as they critically reflect on their own learning as well as that of the students they will teach.
Undergraduate candidates begin using Chalk & Wire in EDUC2420 Entry Workshop, and will continue using it through the end of student teaching.
Students should enroll in EDUC2420 Entry Workshop the term after completing EDUC1300 Introduction to Education. This class is required for all transfer students in education during their first term at Graceland. (Graded on a Pass/Fail basis)
Lamoni Campus
Independence Campus
During the workshop, students receive their login and training for Chalk and Wire, an electronic portfolio system.
Here is the link to Chalk and Wire log in page Log in to Chalk and Wire
Current Teacher Education Handbook
To Pass the Workshop
Complete the following to pass the workshop:
Requirements for Entry Workshop
Application for Teacher Education
Fill out form during workshop, electronic form is available in Chalk and Wire or a paper copy is located under Handouts
Recommendations (minimum of one [1] for Entry Workshop, three [3] total required to be accepted into the teacher education program.)
Send form to the reference person-have them return it to Garnet Coulthard
Form is located under Handouts
Graduation Plan
Submit Grad Plan in Chalk and Wire
Grad Plan Template is located under Handouts
Content Knowledge Practice Test
You will take a practice content knowledge test during entry workshop.
Pre Multicultural and Technology Surveys
Complete survey questions during workshop session and submit in Chalk and Wire.
See Handouts for the guide to help you set up and navigate your Chalk and Wire account.