
All student teacher candidates are required to complete at least 14 weeks of student teaching. Observations should be spaced about 2 weeks apart. You will complete three different types of evaluations for your student teacher.  Some teacher candidates may have split placements where they will be assigned to two different classrooms for fourteen weeks or to a different classroom for the second half of their student teaching placement.   No matter how their fourteen week placement is divided out, all student teacher candidates are required to be evaluated.  This schedule gives a general idea of when and what evaluations are needed:



First Evaluation

Second Evaluation

Third Evaluation


Fourth Evaluation

Fifth Evaluation

Sixth Summative Evaluation


14 Weeks


(Use the Observation Evaluation)


(Use the Observation Evaluation)

Midterm InTASC

(Use Observation Evaluation)






(Use the Observation Evaluation)


(Use the Observation Evaluation)


(Use Observation Evaluation)





Each student teacher candidate will have three evaluation forms completed by you .   The Observation Form completed every other week and  the InTASC Observation and Dispositions at midterm and exit.  The InTASC evaluation is based on national standards and assesses the teacher candidate’s classroom skills, including subject area content knowledge.  Dispositions are the consistent values, commitments, and professional ethics that influence behaviors exhibited by the student teacher.  You will complete an InTASC evaluation for every observation, and a Disposition evaluation at midterm and exit.  The final summative evaluation will be based on all previous observations throughout the entire placement.  The university supervisor will also complete this same set of evaluations.  During the first observation visit by the university supervisor, both you and the university supervisor will complete the Observation evaluation and compare for reliability. 

The InTASC Observation evaluation will be completed every other week during the student teaching placement.  If you have a student for only part of their fourteen week student teaching, you will complete three observations based on  the Evaluation Schedule, with your last evaluation being the final summative evaluation.  

The evaluation forms you will need are located on the forms and information support pages.  These can be downloaded to your computer and completed electronically with Microsoft Word, or you may print to complete by hand.  Whatever you choose, plan to share your evaluations with your student teacher and with the university supervisor as soon as possible after the evaluation.  Please discuss both the student teacher's strengths and any areas needing improvement.  Your support and encouragement is vital in the growth of the student teacher.  The supervisor will collect the forms at the end of the placement and return them to the Field Office.


Mock InTASC Evaluation

Now that you have become familiar with the evaluation forms,and to help you prepare for your student teacher, you should complete a "mock evaluation".  The "mock evaluation" is an opportunity for you to practice evaluating a student teacher's performance using the same InTASC evaluation form that you will use to evaluate your own student teacher.  Follow these simple steps to complete a mock evaluation:

Watch a short video of a student teacher presenting a lesson.

Download the Mock InTASC Evaluation form MOCK STUDENT TEACHER OBSERVATION FORM to your computer to either complete electronically or print to complete by hand. 

In a normal student teaching placement, you will use a variety of sources to evaluate your student teacher.  These might include lesson observations, lesson plans, student artifacts, teaching materials, conferences, and other interactions.  In the mock evaluation, of course, you are limited to the video as the only observation source. The evaluation form has been adjusted accordingly to reflect a smaller selection of the 10 InTASC principles.

You do not need to return your completed mock evaluation form to Graceland.  The form is provided for your information and convenience only.