
Cooperating teachers and university supervisors enter into a partnership with the Graceland University School of Education in preparing future teachers. Both cooperating teachers and university supervisors provide valuable feedback to both the student teacher and to the School of Education regarding the teacher education program. When the administrator approves a student teacher for their assigned student teaching classroom, they understand that cooperating teachers must meet the following criteria:

  • Valid teaching certification in the appropriate level and subject area. 
  • Three years of successful teaching experience in an approved school entity. 
  • Evidence of teaching effectiveness through district evaluation procedures.
  • Evidence of leadership qualities, professionalism, and effective communication skills.
  • Participation in this workshop. 

This handout provides an overview of what it is to be a Cooperating Teacher

Cooperating teacher training handbook.pdf


The Field Office has created a handout that covers everything from your role as cooperating teacher, information about the evaluations, suggested activities during the placement, the role of the University Supervisor, the role of the student teacher, and overall student teacher requirements. It also contains links to many helpful forms that will assist you during the semester.  The link below will direct you to several handouts including the Cooperating Teacher Overview. 

Cooperating Teacher Handouts

If you have not done so already, please read through the entire document as it contains a lot of helpful information.  You will notice some information from the handout is repeated in the workshop, we feel this is valuable and bears repeating.