Are you a junior or senior and interested in growing more in your understanding of Graceland's unique Residence Life program? Students who work in residence life and complete an internship in residence life have a greater chance of obtaining Graduate School Assistantships (free graduate school education) as well as careers in residence life following graduation.
Want to explore the various university housing options? This colorful table contains all you need to know for you and your family to make an educated decision on which housing option is right for you.
Graceland used to refer to this as a Special Housing Needs Request form
Formerly known as the Special Housing Needs Request Form
This links takes you to the accommodations request form. This is applicable to a special housing request, as well as academic accommodations. If your request is related to housing, please note that on the request form
Graceland University is committed to full compliance with the Rehabilitation Act (Section 504) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). You will find the SDS Form along with Additional Information and Documentation Guidelines here.