Good Ideas for Your Mental Health
57 Ideas for Self-Care
1. Listen to your favorite music
2. Enjoy a long, warm shower or bubble bath (if available)
3. Go for a walk in
4. Facetime or zoom/connect with a loved one
5. Relax outside
6. Exercise (of your choice)
7. Spiritual prayer time
8. Practice deep breathing
9. Do “stretching” exercises
10. Reflect on your positive qualities: “I am…”
11. Watch the sunrise/sunset
12. Laugh
13. Concentrate/visualize a relaxing scene in your mind
14. Create a collage representing “The Real Me”
15. Reflect on: “I appreciate…”
16. Write your thoughts and feelings in a personal journal
17. Read a special book or magazine
18. Sing/hum/whistle a happy tune
19. Play a musical instrument
20. Practice meditation
21. Work with plants (gardening)
22. Learn a new skill
23. See a special play or concert on social media
24. Workout at home with weights/equipment
25. Take a bike ride
26. Make yourself a nutritious snack
27. Draw/paint a picture
28. Do aerobics/dance
29. Smile/say: “I love myself” or other positive compliments
30. Imagine or visualize yourself achieving your goals and dreams
31. Reflect on: “my most enjoyable memories”
32. Enjoy a relaxing nap
33. Practice Yoga
34. Enjoy a cool, refreshing glass of water or fruit juice.
35. Enjoy the beauty of nature... even if only from a window view
36. Count your blessings: “I am Thankful for…”
37. Star gaze
38. Daydream
39. Tell yourself the loving words you want to hear from others
40. Attend a special workshop/class online
41. Create with clay/pottery
42. Practice positive affirmations
43. Pet an animal
44. Watch your favorite TV show or movie
45. Reflect on your successes: “I can…”
46. Write a poem expressing your feelings
47. Relax by watching the clouds
48. Create something nice for yourself
49. Read positive, motivational literature or listen to TED talks
50. Reflect on: “What I value most in life!”
51. Phone or text a a friend
52. Go on a picnic
53. Enjoy a gourmet cup of herbal tea/ coffee
54. Practice a relaxation exercise
55. Practice the art of forgiveness
56. Participate in a hobby
57. Create your own unique list of things that work for you