Check your Graceland email account for housing placement and roommate information after July 15.
Have you filled out the Housing Request Form to request a specific house, or roommate? 
Purchase renters insurance (recommended)
Do you require special housing accommodations?   تحميل ببجي
Student Employment forms are REQUIRED if you plan to work anywhere on campus.  Each form must be completed and submitted prior to being assigned a work study position.

Please click on the following links to complete the necessary forms:
Please click here for additional information regarding student employment.

Thank you!

Human Resources Director
  واتساب ويب
Vehicle Registration is REQUIRED if you plan to park ANYWHERE on campus.  Please complete the Vehicle Registration Form.  You may pick up your parking permit when you get your photo taken for the University ID card upon arrival to campus (Newcom Student Union, Room 23).
Please click here for additional information regarding parking regulations and a map of parking areas.
Vehicle Registrations/Parking Permits MUST be renewed EACH ACADEMIC YEAR!!!  تنزيل متجر play
Click here to learn about who is required to purchase a meal plan. متجر بلاي
Click here for information regarding your meal plan options.  Then complete the Meal Plan Selection Form The deadline to change your meal plan choice is 4pm Friday, September 1st
 Please note: You will be assigned the same meal plan that you had last semester/year, unless you submit another request. If you did not have a meal plan last semester/year, you will be assigned the 14-meal plan unless you submit a request indicating otherwise. تحميل يوتيوب
Follett Bookstore                                      
GU Alert is an emergency notification system that will send a text message to a cell phone or to an email address when there is an emergency that needs to be quickly announced to campus. تحميل واتساب 
Messages are sent only in the event of a crisis.  Graceland encourages all employees, students and faculty to enter their cell phone number or email address to receive these notices. المتجر
To register your cell phone number, correct or change your GU Alert registration, please be sure you are logged into My Graceland and click here.
Do you have a computer but you don't have Microsoft Office?  Download it for free - see Full Office for FREE for Office 365 on your PC, Mac, iPad or Android tablet. google play store download
Please click here to request a quote and/or apply for College Student Property Insurance. تحميل ببجي
Click HERE to view the Suggesting University Housing Shopping List. جواهرgoogle play descargar