If you need help, call Marco’s toll free number. They are very helpful.
Call 800-847-3098. Then it’s option 1 (service request) and 2 (phones). Â
When they ask for your name, also tell them you are at Graceland University and say which campus.Â
Need help knowing what to say in your voicemail?
These are the documents used by Greg Neimeth for training in the Independence Campus on 11/13/2018 and Lamoni Campus on the week of 2/11/2019.
A handy brief guide to your phone.
How to do everything your phone can do.
How to use the conference phones.
Please ignore the video conferencing portions of this document. We do not have this feature.
This interactive "feature teacher" includes several phone models. Your phone is a 6920.
This walks through the use of the conference phones but it also includes some content that doesn't apply to us. Please ignore the video conferencing portion. This feature can be added at any time but doubles the cost of the phone.
The phone system comes with a web-based tool.
Please note: we have limited access to this tool and will need to work out ways to reserve it. We'll address the number of licenses we own after the phone system has been up and running.