Dining Dollar$
What is Dining Dollar$?
Is a declining balance on your Graceland University ID Card. This can only be used on Graceland’s Campus ensuring that your money can only be used towards food.
What is GBuck$?
Is a declining balance on your Graceland University ID Card. Your card can be used at various locations in Lamoni to purchase food.
Why is this special?
In using Dining Dollar$ you can stretch your dollar and get more food for your money. With Dining Dollar$ you get a 20% enrichment** added to your account at the time of purchase.
Why is this special?
GBuck$ can be used at off campus locations and allowing freedom to choose. If you decide to dine on-campus GBuck$ offers a 10% discount at the register.
Who qualifies for Dining Dollar$?
Any Graceland Staff or Student can purchase and use Dining Dollar$.
Swarm Inn
Sodexo Catering Services
**20% enrichment is only applicable with a minimum purchase of $40.00
Swarm Inn
Sodexo Catering Services
Pizza Hut
Pizza Shack
Linden St. Coffee House