
·         Complete at least 15 semester hours each semester

o   If you fall behind, plan to make up the missing credits as soon as possible. The best time to do this is during the summer when tuition is usually less expensive

·         Don’t Withdraw from that Class!

o   University coursework will be challenging at times but withdrawing from a class is not always the best answer. You may need to see a tutor or visit the writing center. You may need to study more. You may need to adjust your time commitments.

o   If you withdraw from a course, you will essentially have to pay for it twice – the first time when you withdrew and the second time when you need to take it again.

o   Withdrawing from a class could negatively affect your financial aid eligibility

o   Go to class! Believe it or not, missing class is the primary reason for low grades.

o   Essentially the best advice is that if you can pass the class, don’t withdraw from it.

·         Don’t begin with a five-year plan!

o   Staying in school just one extra semester will likely cost you (or your parents) an average of $30,000!

o   Even if you have scholarships and other financial aid, you will probably owe some money towards tuition and fees

o   You may need to take out an extra semester’s worth of student loans

o   You will be missing out on 6-months of full-time work experience and salary

·         Use a Four-Year-Plan and build a strong foundation with General Education courses

o   Work closely with Advisors during your first year at Graceland to plan the best schedule for you

o   Even if you are not sure about your intended major, choose a four-year plan that best meets your interests, talents or long-term goals

o   Plan to take as many Essential Education courses as possible during your first and second year to help you acquire these critical skills and understanding.

o   This should put you in a good position to complete all requirements in 4-year even if you do change majors